Key Differences Between FDM

In this article, you will discover the key differences between FDM, or Fused Deposition Modeling, an additive manufacturing technique. Whether you are new to 3D printing or looking to expand your knowledge, understanding these distinctions will help you make informed decisions about the technology. From material options and build speeds to accuracy and post-processing requirements, exploring the variations in FDM will provide valuable insights into this innovative manufacturing method. So, let’s delve into the fascinating world of FDM and uncover its unique characteristics.

Key Differences Between FDM

Material Used in FDM


Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is a popular 3D printing technology that utilizes thermoplastics as the primary material. Thermoplastics are a type of polymer that become soft and moldable when heated and solidify when cooled. They are widely used in FDM due to their ability to withstand high temperatures and provide good strength and durability to the printed objects. Some common thermoplastics used in FDM include ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), PLA (Polylactic Acid), PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol), and Nylon.


In addition to thermoplastics, FDM can also employ composite materials. Composites are combinations of two or more materials, where one material acts as a reinforcement, while the other forms the base matrix. This allows for the production of objects with enhanced mechanical properties, such as increased strength, stiffness, or heat resistance. Examples of composite materials used in FDM include carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRP) and glass fiber-reinforced polymers (GFRP).

Specialty Materials

FDM also offers the flexibility to print with specialty materials, expanding its range of applications. These specialty materials often possess unique properties, such as high conductivity, flexibility, flame resistance, or bio-compatibility. Some examples of specialty materials used in FDM include conductive filaments, flexible filaments, flame-retardant filaments, and even metal-infused filaments like copper or stainless steel.

Layer Resolution in FDM

Coarse Resolution

One of the key parameters in FDM is the layer resolution, which refers to the thickness of each individual layer that is deposited during the printing process. Coarse resolution typically refers to thicker layers, typically around 0.4 to 0.5 mm, and it is often used for rapid prototyping or when surface finish is not a critical requirement. Coarse resolution can help speed up the printing process as fewer layers need to be printed.

Fine Resolution

On the other hand, fine resolution in FDM involves thinner layers, usually ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 mm, or even lower in some advanced FDM printers. Fine resolution allows for more detailed and accurate prints, resulting in smoother curves and sharper features. It is often preferred when high precision and intricate details are necessary, but it comes at the cost of longer print times due to the increased number of layers.

Speed of Printing in FDM

Slow Printing Speed

The speed at which an FDM printer operates can vary depending on multiple factors like layer resolution, complexity of geometry, and the desired quality of the final print. Slow printing speed, typically in the range of 30 to 50 mm/s, is often chosen when high precision and meticulous detailing are required. This slower speed enables the printer to carefully lay down each layer, resulting in superior accuracy.

Fast Printing Speed

Alternatively, FDM also offers the option to print at faster speeds, ranging from 60 to 150 mm/s or even higher. Fast printing speed is advantageous when speed and efficiency are prioritized over intricate detailing. It allows for rapid production of large objects or prototypes, significantly reducing the overall printing time. However, fast printing speed may sacrifice some level of accuracy and surface finish.

Build Volume in FDM

Limited Build Volume

The build volume of an FDM printer refers to the maximum size of objects that can be printed in a single job. Some FDM printers have a limited build volume, which means smaller objects can be printed in one go, while larger objects may need to be printed in multiple parts and assembled later. However, smaller build volumes can be advantageous when printing objects with greater precision or when space is a limiting factor.

Large Build Volume

In contrast, FDM printers with large build volumes allow for the production of larger objects without the need for assembly or splitting them into smaller pieces. This is particularly beneficial when printing full-scale prototypes, architectural models, or functional parts that demand a larger size. With a large build volume, users can print objects in their entirety, saving time and effort in post-assembly processes.

Key Differences Between FDM

Surface Finish in FDM

Rough Surface Finish

In FDM, the surface finish of printed objects may vary depending on various factors, such as the layer resolution and the type of filament used. When using coarse resolution or faster printing speeds, the resulting surface may exhibit a rough texture. This is more noticeable on curved surfaces, where the layers may be more pronounced. While a rough surface finish may not be a concern for functional prototypes or parts, it may require additional post-processing if a smooth appearance is desired.

Smooth Surface Finish

Achieving a smooth surface finish in FDM typically requires finer resolutions and slower printing speeds. Smaller layer heights and slower deposition rates allow for greater layer fusion, resulting in a smoother surface without noticeable layer lines. This smoother finish is often desirable for aesthetic purposes, as it gives the printed object a more polished and professional appearance. However, it is important to consider the trade-off between printing time and surface finish, as finer resolutions and slower speeds can significantly increase the printing time.

Strength and Durability in FDM

Low Strength and Durability

When it comes to strength and durability, FDM-printed objects may exhibit limitations, particularly if printed with standard thermoplastics. While these objects can withstand normal everyday use, they may not possess the same level of strength and durability as those produced through other manufacturing processes like injection molding or CNC machining. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using FDM parts for load-bearing applications or situations that involve high stress.

High Strength and Durability

To enhance the strength and durability of FDM-printed objects, the use of composite filaments or specialty materials can be employed. By incorporating reinforcing materials like carbon fibers or glass fibers into the thermoplastic matrix, the resulting composite prints can achieve significantly improved mechanical properties. These high-strength materials offer improved resistance to bending, impact, and temperature, making them suitable for applications that demand superior strength and durability.

Complexity of Geometry in FDM

Limited Complexity

FDM has its limitations when it comes to printing complex geometries, especially those with intricate internal structures or overhangs. Due to gravitational forces and the need for support structures, certain geometries may be challenging to print. Objects with extensive internal channels, complex interlocking parts, or significant overhangs may require additional design considerations or post-processing to ensure proper structural integrity. However, with careful design modifications and the use of support structures, many complex geometries can still be successfully printed using FDM.

High Complexity

Despite its limitations, FDM has made significant advancements in its ability to print complex geometries. With the introduction of soluble support materials and improved support removal techniques, FDM printers can now produce intricate designs with hidden internal features. This allows for the creation of complex assemblies, functional prototypes with movable parts, and organic shapes that were once challenging or impossible to achieve. FDM’s ability to handle complex geometries makes it a versatile and flexible additive manufacturing technology.

Support Structures in FDM

Temporary Support Structures

Support structures play a crucial role in FDM, as they provide temporary support to overhanging or complex geometries during the printing process. In FDM, support structures are typically printed using the same material as the base object but are designed to be easily removable after printing. These temporary supports help prevent deformation or collapse of the printed object during the printing process. Once the printing is complete, the support structures can be manually removed or dissolved using appropriate solvents.

Dissolvable Support Structures

To enhance the ease of support removal and eliminate the need for manual removal, some FDM printers offer the option to use dissolvable support materials. Dissolvable support structures are printed using a separate material that can be dissolved in a specific solvent without affecting the main printed object. This allows for more complex geometries to be printed without leaving behind any support marks or requiring intricate post-processing. Dissolvable support materials streamline the printing process and save time in support removal, particularly for designs with intricate internal features.

Cost of FDM Printing

Low Cost

One of the advantages of FDM printing is its relatively low-cost compared to other 3D printing technologies. FDM printers are available at various price points, from affordable desktop printers for hobbyists to industrial-grade machines for professional use. In addition, the use of readily available thermoplastic filaments makes FDM an economically viable option. Standard filaments like PLA and ABS are widely available and offer a cost-effective solution for rapid prototyping, functional parts, or even small-scale production.

High Cost

While FDM printing is generally considered more cost-effective, it is important to note that certain factors may contribute to higher costs. The use of specialty materials, such as composite filaments or metal-infused filaments, often comes at a higher price compared to standard thermoplastics. Additionally, printing large objects with high precision or utilizing fine resolutions can significantly increase printing time, resulting in higher energy consumption and overall costs. It is crucial to consider the specific requirements of the project and evaluate the associated costs before opting for FDM printing.

Post-Processing in FDM

Minimal Post-Processing Required

FDM printing offers the advantage of requiring minimal post-processing compared to other manufacturing methods. Once a print is complete, supports can be manually removed or dissolved, and the object can be used as is. In many cases, the printed object may only require light sanding or smoothing to remove any noticeable layer lines or imperfections. This ease of post-processing saves time and effort, making FDM an attractive option for rapid prototyping or applications where quick turnaround is essential.

Extensive Post-Processing Required

While minimal post-processing is often sufficient for many FDM prints, certain applications may require more extensive post-processing to achieve the desired results. For example, if a smooth surface finish is required, additional sanding or priming may be necessary. Furthermore, if the printed object needs to meet specific surface roughness or tolerance requirements, more intricate post-processing steps such as chemical or mechanical finishing may be required. It is important to determine the level of post-processing needed based on the desired functionality, appearance, and end-use of the printed object.

In conclusion, FDM printing offers a versatile and accessible method for creating three-dimensional objects. By understanding the key differences in material options, layer resolution, printing speed, build volume, surface finish, strength and durability, complexity of geometry, support structures, cost, and post-processing requirements, you can make informed decisions when utilizing FDM technology. Whether you are a hobbyist, engineer, or designer, FDM printing provides endless possibilities for bringing ideas to life, offering both speed and precision in a cost-effective manner.