Beginner’s Guide To Understanding 3D Printing Terminology And Jargon

So you’ve just gotten into the exciting world of 3D printing, but you find yourself overwhelmed with all the technical terms and jargon? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we will provide you with a beginner’s guide to understanding the terminology and jargon commonly used in the world of 3D printing. From filament to slicer software, we’ll help you navigate through the intricacies of this fascinating technology, so you can confidently embark on your 3D printing journey.

1. 3D Printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a revolutionary technology that allows you to create three-dimensional objects by building them layer by layer. This process is achieved using CAD software (Computer-Aided Design), which allows you to design the object you want to print. Once the design is complete, the software slices the object into thin layers and converts it into a file format called STL (Standard Tessellation Language). This file is then sent to the 3D printer, which uses various materials to bring your design to life.

Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing, as the name suggests, involves adding material layer by layer to create a three-dimensional object. Unlike traditional manufacturing methods that involve subtracting material, such as milling or carving, additive manufacturing allows for more flexibility and complexity in design.

Printing Process

The 3D printing process involves several steps. First, the CAD software is used to design the object. This design is then converted into STL format, which the 3D printer can understand. The printer takes this file and begins the printing process by heating the material, usually a filament, to its melting point. The heated material is then extruded through a nozzle and deposited onto the build platform layer by layer, following the instructions from the STL file. Once the printing is complete, the object needs to cool down before it can be removed from the build platform.

CAD Software

CAD software, or Computer-Aided Design software, is an essential tool in the 3D printing process. It allows you to create and modify digital designs of objects that can be printed. CAD software provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to manipulate shapes, sizes, and dimensions to create the desired design. With CAD software, you can unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life in a virtual environment before printing them in the physical world.

2. Terminology

To fully understand 3D printing, it is important to familiarize yourself with some key terminology. These terms are commonly used in the industry and will help you navigate the world of additive manufacturing with confidence.


Filament is the material used by 3D printers to create the physical object. It is typically made of plastic, such as PLA (Polylactic Acid) or ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), and comes in a spool-like form. Filaments are available in various colors and properties, allowing you to choose the most suitable material for your specific printing needs.


The extruder is an important component of a 3D printer that melts and deposits the filament onto the build platform. It is responsible for controlling the flow of the filament, ensuring precise deposition and layering. The extruder consists of a motor, a heating element, and a nozzle through which the molten filament is extruded.

Build Platform

The build platform is the surface on which the object is printed. It is typically a flat and level surface that provides a sturdy foundation for the printed layers. The build platform may be heated to prevent warping of the printed object and to enhance bed adhesion.


The nozzle is the opening through which the melted filament is extruded. It determines the diameter of the filament and plays a crucial role in determining the level of detail and resolution in the printed object. Nozzles are available in different sizes, allowing for customization of the printing process.

Bed Adhesion

Bed adhesion refers to the ability of the printed object to adhere to the build platform during the printing process. Adequate bed adhesion is essential to ensure that the object stays in place and does not detach or warp during printing. Various techniques, such as using adhesives or adjusting the build platform temperature, can improve bed adhesion.

Support Structures

Support structures are temporary structures printed along with the object to provide support for overhanging or complex geometries. They are meant to be removed after printing and help maintain the structural integrity of the object during the printing process. Support structures can be generated automatically by slicing software or manually added to the design.

Beginners Guide To Understanding 3D Printing Terminology And Jargon

3. Jargon

In the world of 3D printing, several jargon terms are commonly used. Understanding these terms will help you communicate effectively and navigate the technical aspects of the technology.


STL stands for Standard Tessellation Language, which is the file format commonly used in 3D printing. STL files represent the 3D geometry of an object by approximating its surfaces using small triangles. These files are created using CAD software and are essential for communicating the object’s shape and dimensions to the 3D printer.


Resolution refers to the level of detail or fineness in a 3D printed object. It is determined by the layer height and nozzle diameter. A lower layer height and smaller nozzle diameter result in a higher resolution, allowing for finer details and smoother surfaces in the printed object. However, higher resolution may also increase the printing time.


Infill refers to the interior structure of a 3D printed object. When printing solid objects, infill is not necessary. However, for objects that do not need to be solid, infill adds strength and rigidity while reducing material usage and printing time. Infill is typically expressed as a percentage, representing the amount of interior space filled with material.


Slicer software converts the 3D model into a set of instructions that the printer understands. It slices the 3D model into thin layers and generates the G-Code, which contains the commands for the printer, including movement, temperature, and extrusion instructions. The slicer software allows customization of various printing parameters, such as layer height, infill density, and print speed.


An overhang refers to a part of the object that extends beyond the maximum angle that the 3D printer can support without additional support structures. Overhangs present a challenge in 3D printing as they may sag or collapse without proper support. Design considerations, such as adjusting the orientation of the object or adding support structures, can help overcome overhang limitations.


A raft is a temporary base that is printed beneath the object to improve bed adhesion. It provides a larger surface area for the object to adhere to and helps prevent warping. Rafts are especially useful when printing objects with small contact areas or when using materials with poor bed adhesion properties.


A brim is a thin, flat structure printed around the base of the object to improve bed adhesion. Unlike a raft, a brim does not extend beneath the object but rather creates a wider surface area for the object to adhere to the build platform. Brims are easier to remove compared to rafts and are commonly used for objects with larger contact areas.


Retraction is a technique used in 3D printing to prevent oozing or stringing of the filament during non-printing movements. It involves pulling the filament back into the extruder slightly to stop the flow of molten material. Retraction reduces the chances of unwanted filament droplets or strings that can negatively impact the print quality.


G-Code is the language that the 3D printer understands. It consists of a series of commands that control various aspects of the printing process, such as movement, temperature, and extrusion. The G-Code is generated by the slicing software and sent to the printer to execute the desired printing instructions.

4. Materials

A wide range of materials can be used in 3D printing, each with its own properties and applications. Here are some commonly used materials in the world of additive manufacturing:


PLA (Polylactic Acid) is one of the most popular materials for 3D printing. It is a biodegradable and environmentally friendly thermoplastic derived from renewable resources, such as cornstarch or sugarcane. PLA is known for its ease of use, low warp, and vibrant color options.


ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is a strong and durable thermoplastic commonly used in 3D printing. It offers excellent mechanical properties, heat resistance, and impact resistance. ABS is tougher to print compared to PLA and commonly requires a heated build platform to prevent warping.


PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol-Modified) is a versatile material that combines the ease of printing with the strength of ABS. It offers good dimensional stability, excellent layer adhesion, and is resistant to both moisture and chemicals. PETG is often used for functional prototypes and mechanical parts.


Nylon is a strong and flexible material widely used in various industries. It offers excellent durability, impact resistance, and high tensile strength. Nylon is known for its low friction properties and is often used for functional parts, gears, and bearings.


TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) is a flexible and rubber-like material that can be stretched and bent without permanent deformation. It offers excellent elasticity, impact resistance, and tear resistance. TPE is commonly used for making soft and flexible parts, such as gaskets, phone cases, and grips.


TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) is another flexible material that offers similar properties to TPE. It is resistant to abrasion, oil, and chemicals, making it suitable for applications that require a high level of durability and elasticity. TPU is often used in the production of footwear, phone cases, and medical devices.


Wood-based filaments contain a mixture of PLA and fine wood particles, giving the printed object a wood-like appearance and texture. Wood filament offers unique aesthetics and is commonly used for decorative and artistic purposes.


Metal 3D printing involves using metal powders, such as stainless steel or titanium, to create objects with metallic properties. This advanced form of 3D printing allows for the creation of complex metal parts with high precision and strength. Metal 3D printing is utilized in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and healthcare.

Carbon Fiber

Carbon fiber filaments consist of a mixture of PLA or ABS with carbon fiber particles. The addition of carbon fiber enhances the strength, stiffness, and heat resistance of the printed object. Carbon fiber filament is often used in applications that require lightweight and high-performance parts, such as drones, sports equipment, and automotive components.

Beginners Guide To Understanding 3D Printing Terminology And Jargon

5. Print Quality

Achieving high print quality is a goal for every 3D printing enthusiast. Several factors influence the quality of a 3D printed object, including:

Layer Height

Layer height refers to the thickness of each printed layer. It affects the level of detail and surface smoothness of the printed object. Smaller layer heights result in higher resolution, but they also increase printing time. Finding the right balance between speed and detail is crucial for achieving the desired print quality.

Print Speed

Print speed determines how fast the printer moves during the printing process. Higher print speeds reduce printing time but may compromise print quality, particularly in terms of detail, accuracy, and surface finish. Slower print speeds generally yield better results, but it’s important to find the optimal speed for each specific print.

Bed Leveling

Bed leveling refers to the process of adjusting the build platform to ensure it is perfectly level. Proper bed leveling is crucial for achieving a good first layer, which is the foundation of the entire print. If the bed is not level, the layers may not adhere properly, resulting in a poor print quality or a failed print.


Calibration involves fine-tuning various settings, such as extrusion rate, temperature, and retraction distance, to optimize print quality. Proper calibration ensures that the printer is accurately depositing the filament and producing consistent results. Regular calibration is important, especially when using different materials or switching between projects.


Bridging refers to the ability of the printer to create horizontal spans without any support structures. It is a challenging aspect of 3D printing, as unsupported areas may sag or collapse. Proper bridging requires careful fine-tuning of the printer settings, including fan speed, temperature, and print speed.


Oozing occurs when the printer continues to extrude filament even when it is not supposed to. This leads to unwanted strings of filament between different parts of the print. Oozing can be minimized through proper retraction settings, which pull the filament back into the extruder to prevent the flow of molten material during non-printing movements.


Stringing refers to the thin strands of filament that are left behind between different parts of the print. Stringing is commonly caused by oozing or improper retraction settings. Adjusting the temperature, retraction distance, and print speed can help minimize stringing and achieve cleaner prints.


Warping is the deformation or lifting of the printed object from the build platform. It is a common issue, particularly with materials like ABS, due to uneven cooling or poor bed adhesion. Adequate bed adhesion techniques, such as using a heated build platform or applying adhesives, can help minimize warping and ensure a successful print.

6. Post-Processing

Post-processing techniques can enhance the appearance and functionality of 3D printed objects. Here are some common post-processing methods:


Sanding involves using sandpaper or sanding tools to smooth the surfaces of the printed object. It helps remove layer lines, imperfections, and roughness, resulting in a cleaner and more refined finish. Sanding is particularly useful for achieving a polished appearance or preparing the surface for painting.


Painting is a popular post-processing technique that allows you to add color, texture, and customization to your 3D printed objects. Various painting techniques, such as spray painting or hand-painting, can be used to achieve the desired aesthetics. Priming the object before painting can improve adhesion and provide a smoother surface.


Smoothing, also known as acetone smoothing, is a post-processing technique used specifically for ABS prints. It involves exposing the printed object to acetone vapor, which melts the surface of the ABS, resulting in a smoother finish. This technique can significantly reduce the visibility of layer lines and create a polished appearance.


Polishing involves using abrasive materials or polishing compounds to create a glossy and reflective surface on the printed object. It is particularly effective for materials such as metal or resin. Polishing can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the print and give it a professional finish.

Acetone Vapor Bath

An acetone vapor bath is a post-processing technique primarily used for smoothing ABS prints. It involves placing the printed object in a container with a small amount of acetone and allowing the acetone vapors to interact with the surface of the print. This process can reduce the visibility of layer lines, resulting in a smoother finish.

7. Print Settings

Print settings play a crucial role in achieving the desired print quality and functionality. Here are some important print settings to consider:


Temperature settings vary depending on the material being used and the specific requirements of the print. The temperature of the extruder and the heated build platform (if applicable) need to be carefully calibrated to ensure proper melting and adhesion of the filament. Referencing material specifications and conducting test prints can help determine the optimal temperature settings.

Flow Rate

The flow rate, also known as filament extrusion rate, determines the amount of filament being extruded by the printer. It affects the deposition of material and the overall quality of the print. Fine-tuning the flow rate can help achieve better layer adhesion, reduced stringing, and improved print accuracy.

Retraction Distance

Retraction distance refers to the distance the filament is pulled back into the extruder to prevent oozing or stringing during non-printing movements. The retraction distance needs to be adjusted to match the specific filament and printer setup. Proper retraction settings can reduce print defects and improve overall print quality.

Fan Speed

The fan speed controls the cooling of the printed object and can affect the quality of overhangs and small details. Higher fan speeds can improve cooling and reduce the likelihood of sagging or collapse in overhanging areas. However, it is important to adjust the fan speed based on the material being used, as some materials may require less cooling for optimal results.

8. Troubleshooting

Like any technology, 3D printing can encounter various issues during the printing process. Here are some common troubleshooting tips for addressing these issues:


Under-extrusion occurs when the printer does not deposit enough material, resulting in weak or incomplete prints. This can be caused by a clogged nozzle, incorrect temperature, or improper filament tension. To address under-extrusion, check the filament for any obstructions, ensure the extruder is properly calibrated, and adjust the temperature or flow rate as necessary.


Over-extrusion, on the other hand, happens when the printer deposits too much material, leading to excessive bulging, uneven layers, or poor details. Over-extrusion can be caused by incorrect flow rate settings, inaccurate filament diameter measurements, or improper printer calibration. To resolve over-extrusion issues, adjust the flow rate, measure the filament diameter accurately, and calibrate the printer settings.

Printing Artifacts

Printing artifacts refer to unexpected imperfections or defects in the printed object. These can include layer lines, blobs, or irregularities in the surface finish. Various factors, such as improper calibration, incorrect temperature or flow rate, or low-quality filament, can contribute to printing artifacts. Troubleshooting printing artifacts involves reviewing and adjusting the printer settings, switching to a higher-quality filament, or ensuring proper maintenance of the printer.


Clogging occurs when the nozzle becomes blocked, preventing the filament from flowing smoothly. This can be caused by a build-up of filament residue, a foreign object in the nozzle, or incorrect temperature settings. To unclog the nozzle, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning or consider using specialized tools designed for nozzle maintenance. In some cases, replacing the nozzle may be necessary.

Uneven Layers

Uneven layers can occur when the printer is not properly calibrated or when there are issues with the bed leveling. This can result in visible seams, gaps, or inconsistencies in the printed object. To address uneven layers, ensure proper bed leveling, calibrate the printer settings, and consider adjusting the layer height or print speed to achieve more consistent layer deposition.

9. Design Considerations

When designing objects for 3D printing, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. These considerations can help optimize your design for successful printing and improved functionality.

Support-Free Designs

Designs that require minimal or no support structures are beneficial for both ease of printing and improved aesthetics. Avoiding overhangs or incorporating self-supporting features in your design can reduce the need for additional support structures, resulting in cleaner prints and easier post-processing.


The orientation of the object can impact the print quality and strength of the final product. Consider orienting the object in a way that minimizes the number of overhangs or maximizes the contact area with the build platform. Proper orientation can also help improve dimensional accuracy and reduce the likelihood of warping.

Overhang Angles

Understanding the limitations of your printer and materials is crucial when it comes to designing objects with overhangs. Steeper overhang angles require additional support structures to prevent sagging or collapse. Determining the maximum overhang angle that your printer can handle without support structures can help optimize your design and reduce the need for post-processing.

Wall Thickness

Wall thickness affects the structural integrity and stability of the printed object. Designing walls that are too thin can result in a fragile or weak object, while excessively thick walls can waste material and increase print time. It is important to strike a balance between the desired strength and material efficiency by considering the specific application and material properties.

10. Applications

3D printing has countless applications across various industries. Here are some examples of how this technology is being utilized:


3D printing is widely used in prototyping to quickly and cost-effectively test and refine designs. It allows for rapid iteration and validation of product concepts, reducing time to market and enabling more efficient product development cycles.


The ability to create complex and personalized objects is one of the greatest strengths of 3D printing. Whether it’s customized phone cases, jewelry, or even prosthetics, 3D printing enables individuals to tailor products to their specific needs, preferences, and measurements.


3D printing has become a valuable tool in education, allowing students to explore concepts in a hands-on and engaging manner. It promotes creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. Students can design and 3D print their own objects, bringing abstract concepts to life.


The medical field has embraced 3D printing for various applications, including prosthetics, surgical tools, and anatomical models. 3D printing enables the production of patient-specific implants, customized medical devices, and surgical guides, revolutionizing patient care and treatment options.


Fashion designers are exploring the creative possibilities of 3D printing to push the boundaries of traditional garment design. 3D printed clothing, accessories, and even shoes are being created, allowing for intricate and unique designs that were previously impossible to achieve with conventional manufacturing methods.


Artists are utilizing 3D printing to transform their visions into tangible artworks. From sculptures to installations and intricate jewelry, 3D printing offers new avenues for artistic expression. This technology allows artists to experiment with new materials and techniques, pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms.

In conclusion, understanding the terminology, materials, and techniques involved in 3D printing is essential for anyone looking to explore this exciting field. With the right knowledge and a bit of practice, you can unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life with the power of additive manufacturing. Whether it’s for prototyping, customization, education, or art, 3D printing opens up a world of possibilities that continues to evolve and expand.